Features of an electric geyser coffee maker. Principle of operation and rules of use

How good it is to drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee early in the morning, so tasty and sometimes giving energy for the whole day. A little difficulty - morning sleep is so sweet that even 10-15 minutes earlier you don’t want to get out of bed at all.

You can, without enough sleep, rattle dishes in the kitchen, dropping one thing or the other alternately. Can be involved in the process making a drink a family member, pitying either the mother or the spouse.

And you can buy an electric coffee maker of a geyser type and solve all the related problems in one fell swoop.

What is a geyser electric coffee maker?

The first samples of geyser electric coffee makers appeared in the 2000s, and in terms of design they differed significantly from the traditional models familiar to us. Modern models consist of 3 parts:

  • Top coffee bowl
  • The lower container, which has a built-in tubular electric heater and a funnel-shaped filter (for coffee powder)

First geyser type coffee maker was created by an Italian Alfonso Bialetti way back in 1933. The model was octagonal, of strict design, and gained wild popularity in Europe.

Soon a company was founded for the production of coffee makers of the Bialetti class.. "Geyser coffee maker" and "Bialetti coffee maker" ("moka coffee maker") are synonymous.

Work principles

  1. Water is poured into the lower container of the coffee maker, and it should not reach a special mark (there is an emergency steam outlet valve). Each model has its own capacity.
  2. Coffee is poured into a special filter - always to the top. Even if your device is designed for 3 full servings, and you want to drink one cup, fill the cup completely.
  3. The upper part returns to its place, and the design turns on. Boiling water turns into steam, and the steam squeezes the rest of the liquid up. It is liquid, not steam, that passes through the coffee, absorbing the taste and aroma, and then goes into the tube through the upper container.. That is why the design provides for a special length of the filter tube - reaching almost to the very bottom of the lower tank. The steam will make the coffee too hot and spoil the taste, while the water will help maintain the optimum temperature.

Ready-packed from the store or freshly ground - it's up to you, but only the latter option will give you a real taste and aroma. If your home has a burr grinder, use it.

It is by grinding that you regulate the strength of the drink.! When buying ground coffee in a store, take a floor indicating “for Turks”, “for espresso”, “for filter”.

A number of manufacturers indicate a separate item on their products - moka pot or moka, which means "suitable for geyser coffee makers". Coffee tablets can not be crushed, but if you want to get a richer taste, it's worth it.

Attention! It is worth mentioning the task of the emergency valve: to normalize the pressure if the liquid cannot pass through the coffee. This happens quite often, for example, if a person poured a lot of finely ground coffee into a bowl, with a slide, and even rammed it.

In modern geyser coffee makers, the valves are equipped with special canes to keep an eye on: several times a year move and rinse thoroughly so that accumulated dirt does not prevent it from working at the right time.


  • Gas stoves are far from being everywhere, and electric ones are limited due to the short service life (and it takes a long time to wait until the burner heats up). Turning on the stove to drink a cup of coffee is not at all difficult. Electric coffee maker can be used in any room with an outlet. This is especially convenient in country houses, dachas, boarding houses.
  • Delay start function, which is present in all modern models, allows you to sleep a few extra minutes in the morning, and when you wake up, immediately pour yourself a delicious drink.
  • No need to control the process: from you All you need to do is calculate the right amount of ingredients., and the machine itself will do everything and turn off by giving a sound signal.
  • It is easy to operate and coffee is prepared very quickly.
  • Coffee maker takes up little space.
  • Apparatus can also be used for brewing tea, herbal decoctions.
  • Coffee brewed in such a coffee maker, according to user reviews, is especially fragrant, strong and has no sediment.
  • You can use any raw material, not just branded expensive varieties.

Geyser coffee makers, in addition to a programmable timer and a display showing important parameters (water temperature, cooking modes), also have keep warm function, drink saturation regulator, and some - not 1, but 2 bowls of different capacities.


  • For some users, the amount of capacity seems insufficient.
  • When using grains of fine grinding, it is often observed clogged filter.
  • With long downtime aluminum body is oxidized.
  • Cools down for a long time, which prevents you from immediately starting to prepare a new portion of the drink.
  • Apparatus can not be used without power outside the home.
  • Filters and gaskets are the most vulnerable places, which deteriorate rather quickly.
Reference! Users note significant shortcomings of some brands. For example, excessive heating of the stand, an overly narrow spout, or liquid leakage between the joints of the lower and upper containers.

How to choose?

To choose the best geyser coffee maker for you, decide: how many people will use it? If you are purchasing it exclusively for yourself, the grid size should be calculated for one serving.

The second important point is the material. Better in quality - devices made of steel, and you can wash them in the dishwasher.

Aluminum coffee makers are not the best choice (maybe only for a short time): it saves weight, but it will gradually begin to give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste. Ceramic bowls are more expensive because they fully retain the taste of the drink, do not oxidize and are durable.

The higher the power of the device, the faster the water boils.. Accordingly, electricity consumption is growing.

With regards to the choice of manufacturer and price - according to your taste.

Note! Choosing a device from a little-known manufacturer, you run the risk of running into poor quality materials, poor workmanship and a waste of money.

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at coffee makers from a well-known brand recognized in the market. home appliances. These are German Krauff and Winner, Swiss firm Bodum, Italian Bialetti, Chic, Alessi Pulcina, Regina.

Terms of Use

Follow the safety instructions:

  1. Do not touch the metal parts of the device with wet hands when it is connected to the mains - you risk electric shock.
  2. Do not turn on the coffee maker without pouring water into it, and do not open it until the process is completed.
  3. Do not allow children or the elderly to use the coffee maker.

Wash the coffee maker after every use, but don’t try to clean the inner cavity of coffee oil - it eliminates the taste of metal.

Do not use metal brushes or hard-bristled brushes for cleaning.: They scratch the body too much and may cause a metallic taste.

The rubber gasket wears out over time, so change it in time. It is not recommended to use household chemicals for cleaning.

Coffee in a geyser coffee maker is prepared for 5-10 minutes. It is better to use bottled or filtered water.

Important! It is better to pour out the first mug of drink prepared in the new machine.

Popular Models

  • Bialetti Moka Timer. Compact device with stylish design. The volume of the bowl is 120 ml. There is a timer and a signal, a soft handle. The cost is 8125 rubles.
  • DeLonghi Plus EMKM 6 Alicia. The heating part of the device is made of stainless steel, the top is made of glass. The bowl is designed for 6 servings. The cost is from 600 rubles.
  • Rommelsbacher EKO 376/G. Product of a German company. The heating part is made of stainless steel, the jug is made of thermoglass. There is protection against overheating of the body, boiling, the "automatic shutdown" function. The price is within 10,000 rubles.
  • Hotter HX 445. Designed for 4 servings. The jug is made of tempered glass, the heater is hidden in a stainless steel case. There is a coffee volume regulator, delayed start. Price - 2350 rubles.

Features of device care

  • As soon as the coffee starts flowing into the upper container (after a couple of weeks of constant use of the device, you will learn to immediately catch this moment) - turn off the coffee maker. Otherwise, there is a high risk of overheating or burning the coffee.
  • At the last stage of preparation do not wait until the device starts to "snort" the contents: at this time, not boiling water, but fiery steam will begin to “activate”, which will spoil your drink.
  • Don't worry about the water remaining at the bottom. A small amount is the norm.
  • We do not recommend ramming, however, if you unbearably want to get a more intense taste as possible - take coffee with a spoon. In moderation! And remember about the emergency valve.


Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

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I have a Bialetti coffee maker at home, I love it! There is a color timer, the signal is pleasant music. Looks very elegant on the outside! And the taste of coffee turns out to be divine - it cannot be compared with capsule ones (this one has been idle for a long time already). But sometimes it happens that coffee flows out of the lower container onto the stove.


A friend brought a Bialetti Mukka Express coffee maker from Italy as a gift. I've been using it for a month now and I'm very happy with it! Designed for a large cup, well, or two mugs of 200 liters. The set includes a measuring cup for coffee.I always pray for coffee myself, but I don’t pour it all the way to the brim, just like I pour milk carefully, otherwise the foam runs away. The sediment was never noticed. You can wash it with a regular soft sponge. I have been using it 4-5 times a week for 5 months now, but the device is still like new. In general, this is a great gift for coffee lovers, I think!


At home I have a geyser Winner, a German stainless steel. It has been used 2-3 times a day for 8 years already. There were no significant problems during this time. I don't use any detergents, just rinse with clean water. Bitterness did not appear over time. And my son bought himself a Chinese version of Winner - either it boils too quickly, or it turns black, or the case overheats. Therefore, I advise everyone to buy proven brands.

Useful video

From this video you will learn more about the DeLonghi coffee maker (Delonghi):

Not everyone can afford to buy a full-fledged coffee machine, and sometimes there is simply nowhere to put it. But compact coffee maker is easy to cram into almost any corner of the kitchen, and she does her job with a bang! Therefore, if you can’t imagine your life without coffee, but the process of brewing it is already quite tired of you (or the thick stuff that gets into the cup has become annoying) - go to the store for a little helper.

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